Fixed Bulgaria being able to perform Opportunistic Strikes while in the middle of joining a faction. Nepal's peace with India now covers Bhutan as well. Fixed Ukraine not being made back into an Ostwall country after getting re-puppeted. Fixed the plane designs given by Japans Carrier Aviation Breakthroughs national focus. National Protection Alliance countries can no longer use the generic unification decision to unify China. Added a general description to Hunans Teng Daiyuan. Its time for another hotfix! Fixed Georgia attacking the Ottomans if they maintain the Treaty of Poti. add_equipment [amount] [name] - Add a specified amount of a selected equipment type to your national . Carlist Spain now bypasses the focus to join the Entente if it is already in the Entente. Fixed Sweden joining the Reichspakt when Russia is a German puppet, with Finland in the same faction. Now members of the faction can be invited to a research group, and once Brazil is taken down, Argentina can attack other countries in South America. Fixed countries remaining in Mitteleuropa while at war with Germany. The IMRO now goes straight into open conflict, if it revolts while Serbia is at war. Fixed many edge cases of the annexation missions for countries and states not appearing. Buffed an Irish-American Refugee national spirit. Fixed Austria granting lands to an unfriendly Ukraine. Removed a couple of US ship names based on OTL WW1 leaders. Expanded the options and triggers for the Fate of Papua New Guinea. Increased the chance of Reijnders coup, if the Netherlands is allied with Reichspakt. Fixed Georgia not leaving Mitteleuropa when cancelling the Treaty of Poti. Hu Zongnan is the new totalist leader of the Left Kuomintang, with Dai Li as his Second in Command. Adaptation of Battle of the Bosphorus tanks and planes for Kaiserreich. Buffed the Ottoman pluralist constitution. Nerfed Irelands infrastructure in Connacht and Munster compared to Leinster and Ulster. Removed research bonuses for pre-La Rsistance technologies in La Rsistance national spirits. Fixed Portugal not being able to progress down its focus tree if Mittelafrika collapses. The check for controlling all owned states no longer worries about control over impassable states, which could sometimes show as being controlled by someone else even outside of war. Fixed the Return Lands decision sometimes not transferring state control correctly. Fixed a bug in Yunnans industry national spirit progression. Syria now starts off at the Ottoman technology level, when it revolts. Fixed Dai Li's coup of the Left Kuomintang not firing, even if the correct options were chosen. Removed the chance for Ireland to randomly decline Germany's invitation to the Reichspakt. New flags for Ghana, Gold Coast, Mozambique and Najd & Hasa. Added socialist and SocDem party popularity to Argentina, in case of peaceful reunification with Patagonia. The game rule adds a setting for a pre-1939 WK2 beginning to either be rare or unrestricted (meaning it simply depends on the regular chances of the events involved). Improved the logic for the unit limit calculations. Johan Laidoner is now removed from Estonia when Isamaalit fails its coup. Increased the Ottomans starting infantry equipment stockpile. Carol II can now actually have a vacation in Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. Fixed the Chilean Crisis not firing for Brazil. Fixed Qing commissioning ships from Two Sicilies, if Two Sicilies no longer exists. Added Bouake as a potential Victory Point in the Ivory Coast. Fixed Persia immediately declaring war on Turkey, after the latter has lost the War in the Desert. Fixed the loop in the Bhutanese reform decisions. Fixed Uruguay getting more than four ministers. Increased the state category / number of building slots of Belize. Bulgaria now has a small sub-tree for when it has a SocCon government under Aleksandar Stamboliyski (primarily occurring if/when it is a Serbian puppet, but not restricted to that). Switzerland can no longer refuse to return Campione to allies. Fixed a missing localisation tag on the Danish-German opinion modifier when a trade deal is rejected. Fixed Fengtian getting Mantetsu rails, after breaking with Japan. Azerbaijan no longer joins the Ottoman Empires faction during the War in the Desert - it will only declare war on Persia separately. Added a description for An unlikely Alliance spirit for UoB. Fixed an incompatible Japanese naval bomber design. Slightly improved Huey Longs Kingfish trait. Hopefully fixed the Nanjing war decisions staying around. MacArthur is now more likely to give up power if the ceasefire has happened. Georgia now occupies Batum instead of declaring total war on the Ottoman Empire. Boosted the effects of some of the national spirits for NatPop Two Sicilies. Updated Canadas text to account for the now lower numbers of British exiles. Updated Greek starting divisions and division templates. You now have to wait for the economic crisis to hit in order to take Combat the Economic Crisis as Switzerland. Existing Mittelafrikan revolters now peace out with the Reichspakt when Mittelafrika falls apart. Updated the version of Ceddin Deden for the Ottoman Empire. Added a decision for Haiti to get some naval experience if they complete the economy tree and the foreign policy tree. Fixed Prince Henry keeping his exile trait when in Britain. Fixed Belgiums national focus tree not resetting when puppeted. Updated the endonym/exonym mode button, and the news events toggles. This doesnt totally rid of that daily pause, but it does lessen it significantly, though your mileage will vary as with all performance changes, Austria now joins the Reichspakt when they intervene in the 2WK, and leave it afterward, Japan can now only call its allies into its wars if its losing or at war with a major, Division Limits: limits can be disabled for players only or entirely, Peacetime Demobilization: the mission that requires countries to reduce their Economy and Mobilization laws during peace can be disabled, either for the player only or for all countries. Added two new generals (Yu Zhishan and Xing Shilian) to the Fengtian Government. The USA and Germany stability debuffs were changed to accommodate this. Renamed Huangshan to Huizhou, and Huizhou to Huiyang. Fixed heavy armour being selected as the suppression template for the United States. Added a research slot to Romanian army tree. Fixed the Fate of Brest decision resulting in it going to a White Ruthenia that it doesnt border. Fixed Federalist China moving their capital, when they opt to keep it where it is. Fixed the event for the Ottomans and Austria merging their factions. On time and only two months behind our last update, we are very happy to bring you 0.11. Fixed a Mangabeira event for Brazil removing stability instead of adding it. Fixed Guan Xiangyang not becoming the leader of puppet socialist Fengtian. The releasing nation now gets a seat on the Council, so now anybody can be on it. Fixed Wuxis victory points not resetting after the League of Eight Provinces dies. Adjusted the Commune of Frances starting air bases and naval bases. Slightly re-balanced Mittelafrikas domestic national focus tree completion times. Fixed Tang going federalist after betraying Chen in Shantou. Fixed Jabal Shammar joining the Cairo Pact war, while still being at war against its own revolts. Removed Socialist Republic of Italys focus to increase mobilisation. Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy declaring on syndicalist Switzerland. Fixed Long Yun not being properly moved back to Yunnan if he takes over. Fixed Ethiopias Nasibu Zeamanuel not being locked behind the Professional Army national focus. Added Haiti granting docking rights to Canada, the Combined Syndicates of America, and the West Indies Federation, to different national focuses. HOI4 cheats - set ruling party. Added French endonyms for Guangzhouwan (Kouang-Tchou-Wan), Zhanjiang (Fort-Bayard), and Pondicherry (Pondichry). Fixed Brazil reactivating Black Monday after solving it. Mittelafrikas Lower Sangha state is no longer considered a wasteland. Belgium's AutDem popularity is now removed once the definitive government is chosen. Fixed an exploit allowing Two Sicilies to attack the Socialist Republic of Italy in early 1936. Peru's elections now happen after the war with Ecuador instead of requiring full peace. Added new national spirits to the Argentine army tree. Removed the option to execute the Japanese Imperial Family. The Chinese United Front faction has been reinstated, which can form if China is attacked by a foreign major. It only needs Canada to have intervened in the ACW, it doesnt require that Canada own land to first return. Uruguay now gets its 4th research slot later. Updated several victory points in the Pacific Islands. The West Indies Federation can no longer get the governor's coup if puppeted by someone other than the leader of the Entente. Added Ballad for Boldyrev and Bella Ciao for the Kaiser Cat Cinema music submod. New Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Dahomey, Greece, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Fengtian, France, Lombardy, Ottoman, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Wallonia icons. Added some gun descriptions for Patagonia. Clarified a requirement in the tooltip for Polands National Distributism and Supreme Chamber of Commerce national foci. Converted the German decisions to support the Oststaaten into more visible timed national spirits. Fixed the French Republic being released as a puppet with the wrong government and/or with no cores. Fixed USA not being able to restore order in Illinois due to a high resistance target. Added Avdo Fumo, Dervis Korkut, Bogdan Krekic and Mehmed Spaho as leaders of Bosnia. Fixed NatPop Italian Republic getting Dalmatia and Rijeka inappropriately in the Treaty of Budapest. Siam no longer gets its fifth research slot as quickly. Allowtraits - Lets you freely assign traits to Generals and Admirals. Fixed the Ottoman Kadroist game rule from not working, and prevented some potential bugs in other game rules. Fixed Georgia getting a wargoal on itself when asking for Batumi. Corrected triggers for Illyrian and Spanish songs playing incorrectly. Added alternate descriptions for the Internationale or Russia joining the Weltkrieg, instead of starting it. Fixed the Georgian foreign policy decisions being unavailable inappropriately. A country will now also annex the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, if they annex the Ottoman Empire. Slightly buffed Argentina and nerfed Patagonia, as part of rebalancing the War in the Southern Cone. Renamed Fengtians Develop the Nine Provinces focus to Develop the Three Northeast Provinces, since said provinces are now displayed on the map via Chinas province GUI. Fixed "Long Live Butler" being the message in Carlson Coup in the CSA. Fixed Georgia being referred to as a Kingdom, when puppeted by Russia. Fevzis Elaborate a Plan national focus is now bypassed if the Economic Collapse national spirit has already been removed. Fixed Serbia not being able to form Yugoslavia if Italy annexed Kotor. Fixed the Italian Republics The Italian Republic national spirit icon. It now starts as Paternal Autocrat, in coalition with AuthDems and SocCons. Player Serbia or Romania can now decide they want to keep the Belgrade Pact even after the war with Austria, which AI will honor as long as Romania doesn't claim Serbian territory. Rhodesia can now do the Cross the Zambezi national focus, if the German Government in Exile exists. Fixed Giuseppe Volpi being removed from the Italian Republic, if Tuscany is released by someone else. Fixed Greenland not having any cost to fully occupy in the annexation event. Custom GUI in the stateview that shows which Province Chinese states belong to, similar to the new Ottoman GUI, The above GUI now shows the status of replacing the governors in the Reestablish Order decision tab for Anqing, Germany can now influence the Portugal-Mittelafrika peace deal, Redone the Socialist Anti-Colonial Committee focus for the Commune of France to match with the changes in National France, Added camels to the Middle East nations, Ethiopia, Somalia and National France, Internationale and Entente/Reichspakt countries will now embargo each other when joining the faction.